Saturday Morning, Entry Level and Intermediate Rides:
Are you a social cyclist who’d like to take it to the next level? Perhaps you enjoy the occasional weekend jaunt and want something a little more challenging. Maybe you’re the ‘bike and a slice’ type, who likes to take in a café stop en route.
Join our friendly entry-level and intermediate rides, leaving from Blackwell Post Office, Carmel Road South, Saturdays, 9.00am during British Summertime, 9:30am otherwise, to get out and explore the area and meet new people.
Rides are 15-35 miles in length and include a stop for a coffee on the way. All riders welcome, no-one is left behind, no Lycra necessary! Call Chris on 01325 495451 for more info or just turn up and join the fun!
See the route maps below:
DCC Entry Level ride - Standard Route
West Layton loop – Optional addition to the Standard Route
DCC Entry Level - Barnard Castle
DCC Entry Level - Staindrop Loop
DCC Entry Level - Ellerton Lake, figure of 8. 34miles