There has been some very nice cyclocross action taking place today, hosted by Zurbaran Racing, on the field next to the Cricket Club at Meadowfield/Durham and four members of Darlington CC have been in the lineup: Edward Kingsley, David Judge, Robert Brown and
Peter Prior. Kudos to each of you!
The course was almost entirely on grass. Sounds easy, right? Well maybe not so much. It consisted of many slopes as well as twists and turns. The grass along the route had almost disappeared early in the race and what was left was mud which made the tight turns and uphill segments particularly difficult. It certainly looked hard! - but it was fun to watch ;)
The big lesson of the day was taught by U8 cycling maestro Alfie Brown who was keeping his dad on the right track shouting “Green is Grip! Green is Grip!”. Earlier on the day Alfie, riding for Manilla Cycling, had already taught the older kids how it’s done as he won the Junior’s race.
And last but not least congratulations to Ed on his 3rd place and very well done to David on his top ten finish on his very first cyclocross race.
Unfortunately we didn't get any photos of David, he was simply too fast!